My life, served with a hefty side of pop culture.

Sunday, November 8

Merry Freakin' Christmas

Today I went with my sister to one of those Christmas stores that only opens around Christmas time. You know, the ones that are filled with over priced decorations?

Anyways, there was a bunch of silly tree decorations on one wall, and I went to point one out to my sister when I accidentaly knocked a different decoration off of the wall, and watched it plumet to the floor, and shatter.

I have never in my life broken a single piece of merchandise in a store, so this was a new experience for me. I did, however, think retail had come a long way in the past, oh I dunno, century, so the idea of any retailer still upholding the "You Break it You Bought It" policy to me didn't seem logical.

Well, I was wrong.

Before the cashier even spoke after seeing the tacky Christmas ornament shatter, I could already feel what was going to come next (due to her awkward approach towards the broken decoration, and the sigh that followed - it was clear she was not fond of these experiences, as she knew what was coming next). "Yeah, um, unfortunately, if you break any merchandise, you'll have to pay 50% of what it's worth." Seriously? I mean, like, SERIOUSLY?! This thing was basically made out of popsicle sticks, nail polish, and glue, and was apparently "worth" THIRTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS. I ended up having to cough up 7.50, and immediately walked outta there in a huff, trying to stifle the anger that I didn't want to unintentionally direct towards the poor cashier.

But come on, is it just me, or does the "You break it you bought it" policy seem archaic? I work in a Starbucks, and if someone were to knock over a $1200 coffee maker, we wouldn't charge them a CENT. I do understand that Starbucks is most likely a larger corporation and has more money to cover accidental damage costs, however, "slapping a customer on the wrist" for accidentally breaking something in there store just seems absurd to me. Accidents happen. Am I wrong?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is BS!!!! i wish you just walked out! you broke that stupid ornament by accident....maybe it was in the wrong spot! arghhhh! this makes me wanna go back there and brake something! arghhh!

November 8, 2009 at 8:10 PM


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