My life, served with a hefty side of pop culture.

Saturday, November 28

cheryl cole "3 words"

This song blows my mind. My head is flooded with so many emotions and thoughts based on the mixture of simple, thoughtful lyrics and a hypnotizing beat. Will.I.Am also adds a smooth flavor to this song.

Click the links above to check out the epic video for the song, and make sure to check out the remix. It's hot.

Friday, November 27

Jump In My Painted Windows

Sorry my blog's been lacking posts the past week. I'll be updating this weekend...

Until then, enjoy this picture. :)

And listen to Painted Windows, by Pussycat Dolls. This song always gets me amped for the weekend!

Friday, November 20

I'll Stand By You

Sometimes, a song says it best...

Oh, why you look so sad? Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now.
Don't be ashamed to cry, let me see you through
Cause I've seen the dark side too.
When the night falls on you, you don't know what to do,
Nothing you confess could make me love you less
I'll stand by you, I'll stand by you, won't let nobody hurt you,
I'll stand by you.
So, if you're mad get mad, don't hold it all inside,
Come on and talk to me now.
And hey, what you got to hide? I get angry too
But I'm alot like you.
When you're standing at the crossroads, don't know which path to choose,
Let me come along, cause even if your wrong
I'll stand by you, I'll stand by you, won't let nobody hurt you,
I'll stand by you.
Take me into your darkest hour, and I'll never desert you.
I'll stand by you.
And when, when the night falls on you baby, you're feeling all alone,
You won't be on your own, I'll stand by you. I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you, won't let nobody hurt you. I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour and I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you.

Wednesday, November 18


Remember Kerplunk?

Now THAT was real fun.

Monday, November 16

Leona Lewis - Pulse

For some reason, this song by Leona Lewis didn't make it on her newest album. This song is really good, and has a great, catchy chorus.

Check out Pulse below!

Beyonce ft. Lady Gaga - Video Phone (Music Video!)

Alright, I think I'll take this opportunity to apologize to Beyonce for hatin' on her song Video Phone a little prematurely.

The music video has changed my mind. This song is HOT, and the video is even HOTTER. Especially considering I've never seen Lady Gaga look so smokin' gorgeous, ever.

You must check out the video for Video Phone right now!

Kid Sister - Right Hand Hi

Alright, I may be late in the game on this one, but I have never heard any of Kid Sister's music. But it's never too late!

Here is her latest track, Right Hand Hi, and wow, she has won me over. This song is pure party anthem! I might need to take some time to back track and check out what else she has to offer. Anyone have any suggestions?

Sunday, November 15

Dear Asians...

Thank you for being the most pleasant, kind, considerate customers a barista can ask for. Thank you for not being pushy, rude, inconsiderate, or generally dehumanizing like some other customers choose to be.

I appreciate your culture. Wholeheartedly.

Respect. :)

Quickie Review - Lady Gaga's "The Fame Monster"!

Surprise, surprise. I love this album.

It's no secret that I love pretty much everything Lady Gaga creates, and this album is clearly no exception. Below is a track by track breakdown of each song from The Fame Monster and my thoughts - simple as they may be - as there is no disputing that this album is gold.

Bad Romance - Upbeat. Everybody's heard it. This song is MAJOR.
Alejandro - Upbeat. Definitely my favorite track on this album. "Hot like Mexico, Rejoice!"
Monster - Upbeat. Another catchy track from Miss Gagalicious.
Speechless - Ballad, Gaga style. I've only listened to it a couple of times, but it's pretty great. A bit different than what we're used to hearing from Lady Gaga.
Dance in the Dark - Upbeat. Hot. Samples a song I can't quite put my finger on. Love it.
Telephone - Upbeat. My second favorite song on this album. I predict we'll be hearing this in the clubs shortly. Features Beyonce.
So Happy I Could Die - Midtempo. Love it. "Eh hey, Eh hey, ye haw, ye haw."
Teeth - Midtempo. Only listened to it once, and didn't totally love it, but will probably grow on me.

All in all, GREAT ALBUM GAGA! Can't wait to see what the future has in store for you - this girl is single handedly reinventing pop. No doubt.

See you in concert girl!

Quickie Review - Rihanna's new album, "Rated R"

I was able to get my hands on Rihanna's new album, Rated R, the other day, and I've given it a few spins (okay, plays on my ipod...) since and have come to a conclusion - this album BLOWS BIG TIME. Sure, okay, the album isn't a total write-off - as my review will explain below - however, for the most part, it just comes across like she didn't give a crap about this album. Then again, it would be difficult to top Good Girl Gone Bad, which in my opinion (and several others' out there) was an epic album. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my quickie review!

Below is a list of songs that are worth checking out on Rated R:

"Russian Roulette" - this song was Rihanna's lead single for the album, and although I didn't like it at first, this ballad has definitely grown on me.
"Photographs" - This is basically my favorite song on the album. Unfortunately, it's no club banger, but it's a smooth, slower song that features Will.I.Am. Definitely the shining moment of the album.
"Hard" - Catchy mid-tempo track. "Yeah Yeah Yeah I'm sooo Hardd!!"
"Te Amo" - Beautiful ballad about a lesbian encounter that Rihanna allegedly partook in.
"Rude Boy" - I only included this song as one to check out because I don't think it's a total waste, however, it's nothing earth shattering.

The rest of the album is basically worth skipping, but if you're interested, below I've given a brief review of each track:

"Wait Your Turn" - This could have made it onto the "songs worth checking out list", as I really enjoy the chorus, however, the rest of the song just doesn't do it for me.
"The Last Song" - Not bad. But nothing special. Another ballad from RiRi. Mediocre.
"Cold Case Love" - Chalked full of crime-related metaphors. Lame.
"Fire Bomb" - Definitely a filler track. Borrringgg. Next!
"G4L (Gangsta for Life)" - Rihanna's attempt at being gangsta. Not liking it.
"Rockstar 101" - BORING. Where the hell are the upbeat songs? She's trying to go for this whole rock/hiphop thing and I'm NOT LIKING IT!
"Stupid in Love" - Another boring, slow ballad. I'm sorry that my descriptions are so lackluster, but I'm not finding ANYTHING inspirational in any of these songs.

Rihanna...this is what I have to say to you: STICK WITH WHAT WORKS. Artists attempting to change their styles for whatever their reasons may be NEVER WORKS. Shall I mention Kelly Clarkson's My December? EPIC FAIL!

Back to the drawing board RiRi!!

P.S. I'll leave you with my favorite track from the album, Photographs. :)

Friday, November 13

Rihanna's New Album!!

I got my hands on Rihanna's new album, Rated R, and plan to be giving you a detailed album review within the coming days...

So stay tuned!!

Thursday, November 12

New Lady Gaga - Telephone AND Video Phone!!

This is FEROSSSHH!! Two new Lady Gaga songs in one day. It's like Christmas morning!!

First up, my favorite of the two, Telephone is a new track on Lady Gaga's upcoming album The Fame Monster. This song is a super fun, upbeat POPtastic hit about not wanting that loser boy in your life to keep calling you while you're doing your thang on the dance floor! It also features Beyonce! Check it out HERE!

Second up, is actually Beyonce's new track Video Phone, that features Lady Gaga. This song is also good, but actually not that great. I only listened to it once and although I usually enjoy repetative songs, this song is repetative in a bad way. It's kind of annoying. But who knows, it just might grow on me. Check it out HERE!

Tuesday, November 10

Hot Like Mexico...REJOICE.


Lady Gaga just release her track Alejandro on Itunes and it's FARRRR better than the version that has been floating around on the Internet this past couple of weeks. It's got a sick beat - CHECK IT OUT NOW!!

Monday, November 9

Timbaland ft. Justin Timberlake - Carry Out

Timbaland is releasing his next album (Shock Value 2), and I'm eagerly anticipating this one! I loved his last album, as it had so many great club bangers like The Way I Are and Give it to Me. A few songs from this new album have leaked, and so far my favorite is Carry Out (featuring Justin Timberlake), hands down.

I think it's about time we heard something from Justin Timberlake, considering I can't even remember the last song he was featured on. And you can't go wrong pairing up with Timbaland.

Sunday, November 8

Merry Freakin' Christmas

Today I went with my sister to one of those Christmas stores that only opens around Christmas time. You know, the ones that are filled with over priced decorations?

Anyways, there was a bunch of silly tree decorations on one wall, and I went to point one out to my sister when I accidentaly knocked a different decoration off of the wall, and watched it plumet to the floor, and shatter.

I have never in my life broken a single piece of merchandise in a store, so this was a new experience for me. I did, however, think retail had come a long way in the past, oh I dunno, century, so the idea of any retailer still upholding the "You Break it You Bought It" policy to me didn't seem logical.

Well, I was wrong.

Before the cashier even spoke after seeing the tacky Christmas ornament shatter, I could already feel what was going to come next (due to her awkward approach towards the broken decoration, and the sigh that followed - it was clear she was not fond of these experiences, as she knew what was coming next). "Yeah, um, unfortunately, if you break any merchandise, you'll have to pay 50% of what it's worth." Seriously? I mean, like, SERIOUSLY?! This thing was basically made out of popsicle sticks, nail polish, and glue, and was apparently "worth" THIRTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS. I ended up having to cough up 7.50, and immediately walked outta there in a huff, trying to stifle the anger that I didn't want to unintentionally direct towards the poor cashier.

But come on, is it just me, or does the "You break it you bought it" policy seem archaic? I work in a Starbucks, and if someone were to knock over a $1200 coffee maker, we wouldn't charge them a CENT. I do understand that Starbucks is most likely a larger corporation and has more money to cover accidental damage costs, however, "slapping a customer on the wrist" for accidentally breaking something in there store just seems absurd to me. Accidents happen. Am I wrong?

My First Month in Vancouver...

View from English Bay - Downtown Vancouver
So it's been just over a month since I moved to Vancouver, and it feels like it was just yesterday. I was unsure of what the transition would be like, moving my entire life to another city. Would it be easy? Or hard? Would I make friends right away, or would it take time? Well those questions have mostly been answered, and I'm pleased to say that things are lookin' good.

My first few days in Vancouver were...interesting. My sister and I were rightfully exhausted after our 24 hour continuous drive from Winnipeg to the West Coast, however, we still had so much to do. You know, like, unpack everything, buy groceries, go nuts at Ikea, and begin our "new jobs" (we both transferred with the companies we worked for, but were still a bit nervous for the new setting, new people, etc...).

After a few days of getting organized, I was ready to be back at work. Fortunately, Dawson & Gilmore, my new Starbucks, would welcome me with open arms. With a great crew and a beautiful store (only minutes from my apartment), I was excited to be a "new" partner at this location, and so far, my time with them has been great!

 Robson Street - Downtown Vancouver
After settling in with my new apartment and new store, I was ready to really see this city. So far, every weekend has been pretty much the same - I take the Skytrain from my place to Downtown (about a 20 minute ride), meet up with a friend, and go exploring! Downtown Vancouver has so many different areas, and a million and one things to see and do. To date, I've visited Robson Street (a shoppers paradise - tonnes of stores, boutiques, restaurants, cafes), Davie Village (the "Gay Village", also has lots of shops, restaurants, bars - has more of a community feel), Yale Town (the trendy, posh area), English Bay (boasts a breath taking view of the water, right at the corner of Davie and Denman), Granville Street (loads of lounges, nightclubs, and stores) and various other areas. They have an awesome mall downtown, called Pacific Center, that thankfully has a Hollister and an H&M, a bunch of other random good stores, and The Bay and Sears.

Downtown Vancouver is also home to the best Winners I've ever been to. Let me tell you why. It's got TONNES of designer labels! They have this section called The Runway that has loads of designer clothes at discounted prices. However, even at a discount, I still can't afford them! Besides that, though, they have an awesome selection of all kinds of clothes, accessories, and housewares.

Lastly, Downtown also has a billion places to eat Sushi. Seriously, you can get Sushi ANYWHERE (and Starbucks, for that matter). Honestly, I've never been one to crave Sushi often. However, I have had more Sushi in the past month than I think I've ever had in my entire LIFE! I basically love Sushi now. Ha ha.

Besides sight seeing, I've made a few good friends, and I've only gone out a couple of times (can you believe I haven't even been to a nightclub yet?!?). I'm definitely looking forward to meeting more people and getting out at night eventually. And once snowboarding season begins, I'm going to be making my first trip up to the mountains and attempt to regain whatever snowboarding skills I had back when I snowboarded in like grade 9!

So yes, the transition for me has been relatively easy. Vancouver has been welcoming. This city truly is my dream. A city on the Ocean, in the middle of lush forestry, surrounded by picturesque mountains. I can still remember as far back as Junior High, telling myself that this is where I'd be one day - and here I am.

Saturday, November 7

Urban Outfitters Saved My Life!

Unless you live in a black hole, at some point in your life, you've heard of Urban Outfitters.

When I first heard of this place (and visited it, at the Mall of America) I was confused. I had heard of Urban Behavior, Urban Planet, and now Urban Outfitters. I didn't spend too much time in the store, thinking all three stores were the same place and there wasn't much new to see.

I was dead wrong.

Since living in Vancouver, I've been to this place a couple of times, and I have to admit - IT'S FREAKING AMAZING.

Besides it having the most amazing collection of clothing and accessories (from multiple brands, some at incredible prices), this store has an incredible mix of collectibles, trendy gadgets, and a whole lotta other junk. I'm seriously addicted, and I'm trying to stay off of their website, which has an even greater selection of merchandise, as I am major brizzoke.

SO, if you've heard of Urban Outfitters and haven't been, or have not heard of Urban Outfitters and also have not been, I'm telling you now - GET TO THE NEAREST STORE!!

You'll love it!!!

Annie - I Know Ur Girlfriend Hates Me

I just came across this song, apparently from 2008, and it's hot. I'm lovin' the beat, and the chorus is catchy.

P.S. Why is it that all the great pop/techno/electro music usually comes from countries that are NOT the US or Canada? I could almost rationalize moving to Europe just for their great taste in music.


Check out I Know UR Girlfriend Hates Me by Annie HERE on Youtube.

Lady Gaga - Dance in the Dark

NEW LADY GAGA!! Those three words always make my heart so happy. At this rate, we'll have all of Lady Gaga's new album by the end of next week!

A new song, Dance in the Dark, has leaked. In my opinion, it's good - but not GREAT. It might grow on me, but I'm not counting on it. It samples some old song that I can't quite put my finger on, and there's spoken word portions of the song that are reminiscent of Madonna's Vogue. All in all, it's definitely worth a listen. However, Bad Romance and Alejandro - both previous leaks from her upcoming album The Fame Monster - are FARRRR better than this track.

Check it out on Youtube HERE.

Dragonette - Easy (Remix)

So if you've been reading my blog, you'll already know that I'm a Dragonette fan. Their music is simply pure, delicious electro pop.

Their song Easy, from their new album Fixin' to Thrill is easily (har har) one of my favorite songs on the album, and to my excitement, I found a great remix of it. It's a bit more electro and fun! Check it out HERE (you can also right click the link and choose save as to download the track).

To hear the original, check it on Youtube, HERE!

Aqua, Rihanna, and...Nick Carter?!?! Oh My!

Hey guys, I've just got a few new tracks for you to check out.

Aqua's song My Mamma Said was apparently on their greatest hits album that was released this year. It was an additional track, and they've just released a music video for it, and it's a great song. It's slower, and a little darker - much different from what we're used to with Aqua. Check it out HERE.

P.S. I also have some AMAZING news about Aqua. Aqua die hards everywhere out there can finally breathe a long awaited sigh of relief - they will be releasing an entirely new album next year!!! Thank freaking God! I've been waiting for this news FOREVER.

A Rihanna song has surfaced on the net, and it's apparently going to be her second single from her upcoming album. The song is called Hard, and I actually really like it. I'm definitely not feeling her current song, Russian Roulette, so I was very pleased to hear this new track.

And lastly, I posted this song last week or so, but it was only a minute and a half clip, as the whole song hadn't been leaked yet. Fortunately, though, the song has made its way to the internet, along with the music video! Check out Nick Carter & Jennifer Paige's Beautiful Lie - I love this song!