My life, served with a hefty side of pop culture.

Thursday, November 12

New Lady Gaga - Telephone AND Video Phone!!

This is FEROSSSHH!! Two new Lady Gaga songs in one day. It's like Christmas morning!!

First up, my favorite of the two, Telephone is a new track on Lady Gaga's upcoming album The Fame Monster. This song is a super fun, upbeat POPtastic hit about not wanting that loser boy in your life to keep calling you while you're doing your thang on the dance floor! It also features Beyonce! Check it out HERE!

Second up, is actually Beyonce's new track Video Phone, that features Lady Gaga. This song is also good, but actually not that great. I only listened to it once and although I usually enjoy repetative songs, this song is repetative in a bad way. It's kind of annoying. But who knows, it just might grow on me. Check it out HERE!


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