My life, served with a hefty side of pop culture.

Wednesday, April 8

oh Britney, you circus freak

So I'm a little late on my blogging, but I needed a couple days recovery after my trip down to Minneapolis to see Britney. Let's just say...booze is rediculously cheap in Minnesota!

Anyways, the Britney concert. First of all, I want to say that, yes, it was great! It was full of circus acts and dancing and was actually quite long....however - and this is a big however - not only did Britney lip synch the entire concert, her dancing ability was far below that of her back-up dancers, AND THERE WAS NO FREAKING SCREEN TO SEE HER UP CLOSE!!

I was basically in the nose bleeds, so of course I'm hoping for a screen, but all they had was this giant circular screen that went around the stage and only showed prerecorded videos and images. That part really sucked.

One of the girls I was with made a very good point: the concert was much more of a musical than a concert. It really could have been anyone up there on the stage with a blonde wig, dancing around to Britney's music.

I was a little dissapointed with the show, but because I love her music, I still had a good time nonetheless.

ALSO. Anyone under 18 should NOT be allowed into this show. Yeah, you should most definitely expect sexuality at a Britney concert. But there's a fine line between being sexy and being slutty, and unfortunately, this show crossed it, and it was actually pretty overbearing at some points (and that's saying ALOT as much doesn't phase me anymore with miss brit).

I give the Britney Circus Tour a 7.5/10.


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