My life, served with a hefty side of pop culture.

Monday, April 13

lookin' good is NOT easy.

A couple of weeks ago I had mentioned that I wanted to get fit and that I had started this new fitness program I found online. I struggled at first to stay on task, but I've definitely been keeping up! It's really becoming clear to me how you're only young for such a short time, and I figured I'd really like to be the best (healthy and fit wise) that I can be during this time.

Anyways, I just wanted to update on that and let you guys know I'm still keepin' at it, and also to suggest that you should definitely give the One Hundred Pushup and Two Hundred Situp Challenge a try, and let me know how it goes!


Blogger Unknown said...

I do that every second day.... times 2! instead of situps (becasue it hurts my back) i choose to do crunches.
The good thing about this routine is there is no room for excuses about having to make time to go to the gym... this routine can all be done in your home and that is great!

now post some songs on here! lol

April 15, 2009 at 7:40 AM


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