My life, served with a hefty side of pop culture.

Tuesday, March 31

wanna live wild and free, here's the recipe

Although Cassie has never garnered greater success than any other one hit wonder, I can't help but hope that one day she will be an international superstar. I love this girl, and I've loved every song she has ever made.

I do realize that her one attempt at performing on stage ended up with her blacking out and vowing never to do it again, but come on girl, get back on your feet!

Although I'm not aware whether or not this is a new single of hers, a new track titled "Let's Get Crazy" has surfaced on the net and I am LOVING IT. It's another great song to start the summer off and I sure hope this is a preview of what's to come on her new album, due out this year.


this is lady gaga on drugs

Oh, how I love Lady Gaga. She's weird and oh so quirky, I get it. She likes to walk around without any pants on, that's her prerogative. Bitch can do what she needs to do!

But can someone please tell many crushed up Ritalin tablets did she snort before doing this interview?

Saturday, March 28


So in between multiple repeats of "Painted Windows" by the Pussycat Dolls, I've been playing "Gifted" by N.A.S.A ft Kanye West, Santa Gold, and Lykke Li. It's a pretty cool song, and crazyy weird video.

Friday, March 27

Now THIS is awesome...

Check out this article!


I just have to say, these pictures are freakin hilarious.
Have a good weekend!

jump in my painted windows

Alright, I've just got to say, EVERY song the Pussycat Dolls put out (with the exception of Bottle Pop, which I just could NOT ever like) are always perfect!

This may not be a single, but Painted Windows - a new song by the Pussycat Dolls - has been added to their re-release of their album Doll Domination.

Let me tell you something, this song is HOT! But why do they always have to re-release albums these days with better songs instead of having these songs on the album to begin with? Whatever, thank God I basically only download my music.

This is definitely a good song to start off the weekend.
(Check out Mossip Blog for a link to download this song!)

Thursday, March 26

sean's neverending attempt at staying fit continues....

So I'm trying this new fitness challenge that is a combination of the One Hundred Push-ups Challenge and the Two Hundred Sit-ups Challenge. I begin week 1 next monday and it last 6 weeks. At the end of the weeks, like the titles suggest, you should be able to do one hundred consecutive push-ups and two hundred consecutive sit-ups. Innnneresting.

So can I do it? Stay tuned, I'll be tracking my progress on my blog and on Twitter (which is also just on the right side of my blog).

For more information about the Challenge, check out these websites:

they call me mellow yellow...

I just finished watching PS I Love You.

Do you believe love can really be like that? I'd like to believe that it can.

Movies create so much of what we would like to believe is possible, and I'm hoping that this kind of love, this "movie love", is something we can actually attain.

Blah, I don't even know why I'm talking about this. Sappy movies always put me in this "woe is me" kinda mood, regardless of my current happiness. All I gotta say is man, I sure hope I find this love hiding somewhere in Vancouver, or else I give up!

Wednesday, March 25

also, music....

Currently I'm listening to the following songs....

Keri Hilson ft. Akon "Change Me", Omarion "Comfort", Little Boots "New in Town", and Rock City "You Are."

What's on my mind, you ask?

Rhetorical Criticism Paper.

In that order.

Sunday, March 15

abs abs abs abs

Trying to stick to this fitness thing.
It's freakin' hard.
But I'm still motivated as ever.

I just need to stop eating shit food!!

p.s. Lovin' Little Boots' "New in Town (fred falke vocal remix)."

Friday, March 13

oh em gee

California might (and that's a HUGE "might") consider legalizing marijuanna. Let's hope this sets the pace for the rest of the country and Canada. It's about time!,8599,1884956,00.html


Ok, this is a little bit outside of my typical musical interests.....but....
Rye Rye, is hot. Her song Hardcore Girls, is even hotter.
Give it a listen.

Tuesday, March 10

music music music musiq

Loving Jupiter Rising....
"L.A. Girls"
"Falling Away"

Also, random Swedish pop group, Le Kid...

Sunday, March 8


This is sooooo my cat.

while I'm off Facebook....

Got a Twitter.
It's slowly growing on me.
Add me:

da ba dee da bo daaaaa

if you haven't heard of Wynter Gordon before, it's okay, don't worry, she's not anything big - yet.

But you neeeeeed to listen to this song. It's "Sugar", by Flo Rida and Wynter Gordon. It samples the song "Blue". Like, da-ba-de-da-bo-da Blue. Seriously. It's so amazingly awesome I can't even explain.

Once you're done listening to that, you should also check out Wynter Gordon's "Surveillance", which is also a really hot track!

Thursday, March 5

your so, bad to da bone, I can't leave you alone

I am loving this song right now.

anything but facebook

So it's been 3 WHOLE days since I was last on Facebook. I pretty much want to die. Is that normal? Is it healthy to withdrawl from Facebook use? Or maybe it's actually the other way around, that it is healthy to use Facebook.... Right now I just don't even know the answer to these complicated questions.

Is this what it feels like to have an addiction? No wonder smokers (almost) never quit. It's hard!

I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought fruit for the first time in months. The first step to a successful eating/fitness plan. Woohoo!

Oh yeah, I also got a Twitter account. Most useless thing ever.

Wednesday, March 4

workin' on my fitness

In response to my Facebook withdrawls, I've decided to take up working out. Hopefully this will fill the void in my life that Facebook used to fill.... :(

Tuesday, March 3

chit chat bang BOOM

I added a little Comment Box on the side over here --------->

Use it.

one day has gone by...

and I'm about to go nuts without knowing what the hell everyone is doing! Should be interesting to see if I can actually last until the end of Lent sans Facebook.

Monday, March 2

oh dear....

I've decided to give up Facebook until April 12th for Lent.
I'm going to document my journey.
It's going to be hell. (ironic, no?)

I may not be straight...

but I sure can appreciate some fine ladys dancing around on a poker table!

This really makes me want summer.....

first official footage of britney's tour!

I can't even believe it's happening. Looks amazing!!

Sunday, March 1

2 papers and a test this week....

...and all I can think about is how much I want to be in Vancouver already.

want to feel cultural?

If you're in the market for a movie rental, I suggest "Battle Royale", a Japanese thriller about a grade 9 class that has been placed on an island where the students are pitted against eachother in a "last man standing" sort of battle.

It's a gooder.

need a distraction?

This website should help you finish that paper....

Not safe for work.
Or kids.
Or virgins.