My life, served with a hefty side of pop culture.

Thursday, July 16

Facebook Peev # 242 - "Dramatic Status'"

Anyone know what I'm talking about? I think you do.

I have made it a common ritual that whenever one of my "Facebook Friends" decides to continuously post dramatic lyrics or phrases that directly relate to the their current feelings, I delete their asses.

Don't get me wrong, a beautiful lyric can be very inspirational, can be quite profound. But please, I know exactly what you're trying to get at when you're posting crap like "my heart breaks a little bit more every time I hear your name, and I know, that things will never be the same again." That kinda crap makes me want to vom.

Oh, and my favorite kind of status has got to be the direct comments and/or accusations at other fellow "Facebook Friends" like "you're a dirty whore and you'll never amount to ANYTHING!!" Yep, those status' are classy.

These are usually the "Friends" that I've questionably added, the people I either knew way back in high school and new little more than their name, or those randoms that I'd met at the bar who seemed fun at the time, but you really don't know a thing about them.

So a word to the wise: if there is any question in your mind of whether or not you want to accept a friends request - DECLINE IT.


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