My life, served with a hefty side of pop culture.

Wednesday, September 17

Just have something to say....

I just wanted to touch on what's going on in California regarding marriage rights in this state.

Only a few months ago, May 15th, 2008 to be precise, the California Supreme Court ruled against Proposition 22 (which stated that marriage in California was defined as being between a man and woman) and allowed gays and lesbians to marry.

Now, a new Proposition, "Proposition 8", has been put forward in order to counter act what the California Supreme Court did back in May.

Now to be honest, hearing about this kind of shit really upsets me. How dare anyone feel they deserve the right to deny others the ability to marry. We love who we love, regardless of race, sex, religious backgrounds, etc... How dare they think that they are "protecting" the idea of the proper "family". Studies have shown that same sex couples with kids fair just as well as Heterosexual couples with kids. The only reason children of same sex parents have any extra problems at all is because of the shit that Homophobic people put them through.

I hate that in a world that has made so much progress in so many areas, we are still dealing with crap like this.

So for any of my readers from California, or for people who have friends and family in California, please make sure to make the proper vote: PLEASE VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 8!!!!

For more info, please go to this website.

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